What we do

Our motto is ‘We serve’ and the Lions are always on standby to help out individuals or groups who need support and assistance. Or where there is a community need. Or an opportunity to organise a fun event.

Our main activities

  • Health and Welfare

    Much of the practical help we provide and the funds we raise are focussed on providing health and welfare support and assistance.

    Our Welfare officer is responsible for allocating financial resources where most needed and, with other members of the charity, deciding where to spend the money we raise through our fundraising. Most is allocated to local needs, although our charity does also support national initiatives and international disaster relief funds from time to time.

    If you, or someone you know, is in need of financial assistance in our area, please contact our Welfare officer using the button below or call 03458 336759 to start a confidential conversation about that need. It would be most helpful for us to learn why the financial support is need ed and how it will benefit the recipient – a decision can then be made by the Club, and we can act quickly in emergencies!

    At some stage we may ask for feedback on the impact of the donation, and for consent to ‘tell the story’ In the public domain – although we will never disclose personal details and it will always be subject to the recipient’s permission.

    Click here to see testimonials about our work

    For non-financial help, please see the Community Service section on this page.

  • Youth and Education

    One of our key charitable purposes is to support youth and education

    Lions’ activities have included giving funds to buy school laptops during lockdown; sponsoring outstanding young people to fulfil their ambitions.

    If you need more information, contact our Welfare officer on email by clicking on the link below or call 03458 336759 in confidence.

  • Community Service

    The Lions take action on community service where it matters.

    Lions’ activities have included organising litter picking along the Thames; cutting back the hedges and clearing footpaths in sheltered housing locations; helping medical professionals organise vaccination programmes. Using our minibus for organised shopping and social events for those who can't get out and about.

    If you need more information, contact our Community officer on email by clicking below or calling 03458 336759 in confidence.